Why Should My WordPress Website Be Updated?

October 1, 2013

update wordpress

You know the story, you’ve spent time and money to get your website launched, it’s been a long road and now that it’s up you just want to focus on adding your content to get your business off the ground. However after a while when you login you noticed that pesky little ‘update’ notification. You decide to ignore it and hopes it will go away.

Eyes wide open

Unfortunately that pesky little notification is vital to your business. It lets you know that the security and performance of your website will be compromised if the update is ignored. Without regular updates, just like your computer, your site runs the risk of being attacked by viruses, being taken offline by hackers or not working properly. Updates are also very important for your Google ranking. If your website goes down due to hackers or malware, your website can quickly lose it’s ranking and all that search engine optimisation goes out the window. Running regular updates also helps you have a better experience managing your site and ensures your site stays secure.  

Should I run the updates myself?

The answer is NO…. running updates is tricky so it’s best to leave it to the professionals. If you try to update yourself, the site can crash or vital information get lost which without a backup can cause many tears of frustration. Stick to building your business and let us do the dirty work. We’re experienced WordPress developers and can manage your updates for you, and you won’t even know they’re running. We offer yearly maintenance plans that include a range of options including regular backups, security scans, WordPress and plugin updates.  

I’ll leave the updates until something goes wrong

Um….sure you can do that, but when something goes wrong, chances are you won’t have a backup and imagine losing those countless hours of work, plus the money you’ve invested. Often the site starts misbehaving when you most need it, say during an important marketing campaign, pitch or when you’re just launching a new product. Ensuring regular updates are run minimises the chances of big crashes, plus we always backup your site so can restore it if there’s any issues.  

What does our maintenance mean to you?


It keeps your site safe and secure

Your website runs on software, and just like any software, security vulnerabilities can emerge so WordPress puts out security ‘patches’ that fix known vulnerabilities. All the updates we run include these patches so your site can be 99% sure to be protected and up online for your business. We also run regular security scans to monitor your site to pick up any suspicious activity. Lately there have been spates of brute force attacks. Our scans let us know in real time if there’s suspicious activity so we can do something about it straight away.

Ensure good performance

It’s the way of the digital world, when things age they stop working properly, and this is the same for your website. Keeping WordPress updated means that things continue to work well and you benefit from the newer more fandangled features included in later versions of WordPress and other plugins.

Regular backups

Last but not least, our maintenance means regular backups so that you can be sure regular copies of your site are stored in case anything does go wrong.  

Want to Know More? Contact us to find out how we can keep your website safe and secure.

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